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Vice City Asset Properties
These are all the Properties you can, and ultimately have to buy and own. Once you own these properties they will generate various amounts of revenue.

| Boatyard

Cost: $ 10,000 Location: Viceport Revenue: Revenue is gained after you complete the mission "Checkpoint Charlie." Generates a maximum of $ 2,000 a day Benefits: Free boats |

| Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory

Cost: $ 20,000 Location: Little Haiti Revenue: Complete "Distribution" to get maximum revenue of $ 3,000 Benefits: Ice Cream Delivery Missions |

| Kaufman Cabs

Cost:$ 40,000 Location: Little Haiti Revenue: $ 5,000 max per day Benefits: 3 extra Kaufman taxi missions |

| Sunshine Autos Car Showroom

Cost: $ 50,000 Location: Little Havana Revenue: $ 9,000 max per day Benefits: Pay N' Spray, Save House, 4 garages, and VC racer missions |

| Print Works

Cost: $ 70,000 Location: Little Haiti Revenue: $ 8,000 after missions completed Benefits: Missions |

| Inter Global Film Studio

Cost: $ 60,000 Location: Prawn Island Revenue: $ 7,000 max after missions are completed Benefits: You gain access to the seaplane only when you have had the studios for more than a week |
 | The Malibu

Cost: $ 120,000 Location: Vice Point Revenue: $ 10,000 max per day Benefits: Extra Missions |

| Pole Position

Cost: $ 30,000 ($ 600 dollars more to gain max revenue) Location: Ocean Beach Revenue: $ 4,000 max per day Benefits: Money |
Assets Map

This map shows all the Asset Properties in Vice City.

Copyright The GTA Underground 2013 |
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